A little about Heys Family Butchers...
Based In the shadows of Turf Moor, home of Burnley Football Club, Heys Family Butchers have been serving the community for over 40 years.
Our customer base has increased significantly over the last 40 years due to increased media publicity, regular new product introductions and loyal customers.
George and Lynne originally bought the business in 1983. Never compromising quality or standards the business flourished. George and Lynne worked side by side for 30 years bringing the business into the 21st century and on the way picking up many awards for their prize winning sausages, pork pies, meatballs, cooked meats, home cured bacon and gammon. In 2014 Danny who had worked along side his parents since 1997 took over the running of the business and continues with the high standards set before him.
At Heys Family Butchers we are committed to sourcing local meat and our commitment is to provide a top quality local product, that not only represents excellent value for money to the customer, but also peace of mind.
When you purchase our meats you can be assured our livestock has been raised on local farms without being forced, stressed or transported vast distances to market. We believe this is reflected in the outstanding flavour, tenderness and consistent high quality.
We have won many awards for our produce over the years. Our multi award-winning sausages in our current range have received a Gold Award in the last 10 years at the BPEX Product Evaluation Road Show.
We appreciate our customers lead very busy lives, and with our customer base constantly growing, we decided it was the right time to launch our fantastic range of products online.
At Heys Family Butchers we source our meat locally, and hang the carcase for the correct amount of time to ensure maturity and is butchered by one of our three master craftsman. This means no tearing or slashing during the butchery process. You will never get roast rage whilst shopping at Heys Family Butchers as we are always on hand to give you help and advice.